
Al-Anon/Friends and Families of Alcoholics

Meets every Monday at 8pm at Nipawin United Church.

Food Bank Donations

You are welcome to bring non-perishable food items to Nipawin United Church which then get passed on to Salvation Army. We have special food drives from time to time. Check on Upcoming Events for further information.

Matthew 25 Lunch

This luncheon is usually on the 3rd Friday of each month at noon at Nipawin United Church. Check our upcoming events page for confirmed dates.

Relief Program

Available at Nipawin United Church Tuesday through Friday, 9 am to noon, upon speaking with our Minister.

Ministerial Association

First Wednesday of the month. Location rotates.

Ministers meets each month with clergy from other denominations to plan and schedule events in the community.

Seniors Services

Pineview Lodge

Communion -- United Church conducts a communion service on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 3 pm. Family members are encouraged to attend and help support the singing.

There are regular Memorial Services at Pineview Lodge conducted by the town clergy on a rotational basis. Check our Upcoming Events for dates and time

Used Prescription Eye Glasses

Year round. 

Contact church office at 862- 4108